You’re frozen. You can’t move, can’t take the next step. But … you want to. Oh how you want to. You want to do more, live more, be fully alive! Not just make it. Not just survive. You want to grow and expand and become more. You want to give and love. You want to move past the pain, the hurt, the disappointments. In this grown up adult world you find yourself in – you want to fun more. You want the excitement, surprise, anticipation and play of your childhood back. You can have it. It’s called the abundant life and you were born for it. In fact, it is promised to you. It is promised by one who cannot lie and who keeps His promises (each and every one of them) from the beginning of time until the completion of time. His faithful promise to you is this: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”. John 10:10 So while fear can stop you, it doesn’t have to. You don’t have to let it. I know fear. Fear and I have been in the ring many times. It has had me so far down in the corner, so beaten and bruised that I thought I was done. But I was not finished because He held my hand. He gave me strength to push back. To push back hard! Because this is my life! My life! And I will not live it in defeat and you don’t have to either.
Wow, this rings true for me, Cindy. Fear can be so debilitating.
One of my favorite quotes is, “Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.” ~Richard Bach
It’s such a good reminder to me that God isn’t finished with me yet. He can bring beauty from ashes.
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Yes it can Lori. It is ringing very true for me these days too! I am glad you committed because it did me good to go back and read what I had written – I need to remember to stay in the fight, to be strong in the Lord and not be overcome but to overcome.
Love the quote you shared. Thank you for your moments.
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